SBCAW Announces Spring Session of Cor Art Classes

SBCAW Announces Spring Session of Cor Art Classes

Workshops for the Human Spirit

Cor: noun, Latin.  1.(anatomy) heart.  2.(figurative) soul, mind.

April - May 2021

Santa Barbara Community Arts Workshop has launched its fourth pilot of an arts residency teaching program with “a collective sense of hope that we are emerging from a dark time, as well as facing challenges still to overcome.” The workshops seek to refresh and renew the human spirit, “to help us all engage and reengage in our world.” 

Classes are mostly in a hybrid model, taking place in a mixture of online and outdoors with social distancing. As COVID conditions improve and regulations change SBCAW hopes to increase in-person instruction. (See each class for specifics and contact teachers with questions.) Thanks to generous support from the Hazen Foundation, Cor class fees are subsidized for all, and scholarships are also available. This program is set up with working adults in mind, especially in the service and helping professions, and all artistic skill levels are welcome from total beginner to advanced. Fundamentally these classes are for all who need them.

“In our working lives we are so often told to keep our heads down, not wear our hearts on our sleeves, to keep our mouths shut. These classes offer an opportunity to speak up, to practice skills like curiosity, nuance, empathy, attention and persistence; skills needed in these changing times. With your participation and support, we hope to continue to build this into an ongoing public service and community of support for all Santa Barbarans.”

Photo by Barbara Parmet from a pre-COVID round of Cor classes at SBCAW.


Paper Connections: A Workshop in Postcards, Paper, Envelope Art, and More learn more

“This class will explore ways to connect with other members in the class to build a sense of community through group sharing. There will also be opportunities to connect with family and friends as well as the wider community with both individual and group projects. Projects include but not limited to paper sculpture, envelope art, postcard art, collage, paper bag construction.” 

Taught by Judy Nilsen

Time: Sunday afternoons, 1-2:30pm. Starting April 11th (6 weeks total)

Naming the Moment: A Course in Writing for Performance - learn more

“Naming the Moment is about creating the opportunity for you and your companions to take-in the present and to skillfully articulate the significance of a gathering. A cross-genre workshop in poetry and performance, Naming the Moment will practice crafting and sharing the words that can meaningfully gather us together.”

Taught by Diana Small

Time: Tuesdays Starting April 13th, 7-9pm (6 weeks total)

Soulwriting: An Exploration in Musical Creativity- learn more

“This six-week course is designed to get participants back in touch with their own musicality. Whether a seasoned musical veteran looking for fresh insight, or a novice seeking to gain new confidence in music, this course will enliven the musical soul.”

Taught by Sio Tepper

Time: Wednesdays Starting April 14th, 5:30-7:30pm. (6 weeks total)​

Creativity Rehab: Interdisciplinary Workshop - learn more

“A time set aside during the week where you have the permission to shake off the rust and massage circulation back into that creative muscle that has suffered far too long at the bottom of your priorities list.“

Taught by Patrick Melroy

Time: Thursdays Starting April 15th, 5:30-7pm. (6 weeks total)

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